Director of Research

about 2 months ago
Full time role
Remote · New York, NY, US... more
Remote · New York, NY, US... more

Job Description

Boundless is seeking an experienced environmental engineer to lead the company’s environmental impact analysis team and projects, help develop the company’s industry research & analytics, and lead the execution of carbon management and accounting work. They are an experienced manager with experience in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and environmental and industry, and a background in data analysis and systems thinking.  They will be responsible for leading the research team and developing the research methodology for new products and services.  Also required is a strong experience leading our day-to-day projects and interfacing with companies, investors and industry experts.

The ideal candidate will have a strong familiarity with emerging climate technologies such as energy storage, food & ag systems, low carbon fuels and circular economy technologies. The ideal candidate also understands how to help users interface with data and analytics to seamlessly transform a cumbersome and technical process into an intuitive and user-friendly product. 

Who We Are

Boundless is an industry research and environmental impact analytics firm that provides objective and actionable information to move investment dollars more quickly toward clean technologies and climate solutions. Our science-based, data-driven approach is grounded in the proven methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The scores and metrics derived are trustworthy and reliable because they are unbiased and validated by external industry and/or scientific experts. Boundless has the capabilities to perform rapid (and screening) LCA, LCA consistent with ISO 14040, and Scope 1,2,3 emissions inventories.

Boundless has completed assessments of dozens of cleantech products and projects —ranging from renewable energy, circular economy, HVAC and disinfection technologies, bioenergy and bioproducts, and innovative water and wastewater technologies. The resulting company reports frequently influenced investor decisions.


  • Utilize LCA, environmental metrics, and scientific methods to determine carbon, waste, water, energy usage among other indicators for specific company and fund technology assessments.
  • Translate LCA, techno-economic assessments, and scenario analysis into lay language so climate tech investors can understand the meaning.
  • Oversee and build the teams, operations and infrastructure for our research products and services.
  • Project leadership:
    • Lead project planning sessions and generate proposals and scope of work documents
    • Manage project progress and adapt work as required
    • Ensure projects meet deadlines
    • Manage relationships with customers and stakeholders
  • Ability to understand intricacies of clean technologies through consultation with customers to build input output models for use in analysis.
  • Ability to analyze and integrate financial data into scenario models to demonstrate the commercial potential of climate technologies.
  • Develop and design Boundless research products by:
    • Managing ongoing process improvement of our research methods and environmental impact assessments;
    • Coordinating research, input from customers, data collection and analysis, and input and validation from third-party subject matter experts;
    • Interfacing with customers to gather and collect requirements and feedback on our products and services
  • Interface regularly with:
    • Leading climate investors and technology companies
    • Sector-specific content experts
    • Technology team


  • At least 10 years experience in climate and data science, and developing or managing research or products for information platforms;
  • Extensive experience executing Life Cycle Assessment or environmental impact analysis;
  • Proven, hands on experience with climate measurement analytics and metrics; 
  • Ability to analyze and understand company financial projections and costs, and to interpret and analyze revenue models;
  • Strong understanding of climate impact assessment, scenario and systems thinking, monitoring processes and data modeling analytics associated with LCA;
  • Relevant information management experience including an understanding of cleantech and impact measurement from an operational perspective;
  • Desire and ability to work in a fast-paced, demanding environment with demonstrated experience in new process implementation and managing multiple projects simultaneously;
  • Passion for cleantech and climate solutions and making the world a better place.

About the Position

This position is a full-time position. East-coast based (with a preference for the northeast) but can work remotely.

Please send resume, salary requirements, and a short letter of interest to:

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