One persistent obstacle to climate action is that, on a day to day basis, its impacts can be hard to perceive. Most people live far away from rapidly melting glaciers, and even the obvious signs, like unseasonable winter heat in Europe, are often met with rejoice and beach blankets.
But one critical climate impact is making itself known across the world as the extreme weather events are increasingly causing problems for food supplies around the world.
Erratic weather is taking its toll on specialty crops first.
Take the case of Spain, where a grinding drought has cut olive production in half from 2022 and sent olive oil prices to an unheard-of 10 euros per liter.
Olive oil is a staple food item in Spain and is typically in such high abundance that cities like Madrid and Barcelona have established hundreds of recycling points for household oil to keep it from polluting water sources and clogging pipes.
Spanish consumers have reacted to the price shock by reducing consumption, or, in some cases, taking what they can’t afford. You wouldn’t typically expect to find olive oil next to liquor and condoms in a supermarket, but rising costs have forced some shop owners to put olive oil under lock and key to prevent shoplifting of the key ingredient to the Mediterranean diet.
Unfortunately, there’s no end in sight for the drought in Spain, and olive oil prices will likely continue to increase across the world as the world’s biggest exporter grapples with climate impacts.
Global staples like wheat and rice haven’t been spared from price spikes associated with climate impacts, either.
India is the world’s largest rice exporter, and tenth-largest wheat exporter, but over the past two years, months-long heatwaves and extended droughts have reduced yields of both, driving up costs world-wide.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research measured the impact of a 2022 heatwave that stretched from April to May and found that nine Indian states saw hits to agricultural output across the board. Temperatures exceeding 46 degrees Celsius diminished dairy yields by 15% due to calf mortality and skin infections, while egg production dipped 10% during the same period.
But wheat and rice, which make up more than half of the foodstock of some neighboring Asian countries, took the brunt of the damage. Soaring temperatures withered 34% of the crop in Uttar Pradesh, where the heat coincided with the filling and development stage when wheat grains are most vulnerable to harsh conditions.
There is never a good time for food shortages, but there may be none worse than an election year.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is up for re-election this year, and since high food prices are a tough sell to voters, the Modi government has progressively restricted international sales to fight rising prices at home. Earlier this year, India imposed an export tax of 20% on par-boiled rice, which is favored by restaurants for fast cooking, and banned exporting some varieties altogether.
The chain reaction of climate impacts to market shortages to policy decisions has so far pushed the global price of rice to its highest point in 15 years. Even if delayed monsoon rains ultimately bail out the 2023 crop, the events of the past two years have laid bare how climate impacts could quickly ping around the globe to threaten the world’s food supply for years to come.
Climate change is also influencing food prices by creating hospitable conditions for invasive species to wreak havoc across the globe.
A changing climate means that certain plants and organisms can survive in a range far beyond their natural habitat. With the help of ever-increasing human travel, these species are having a growing impact on food prices in some of the world’s most food-insecure regions.
One such species is lantana camara, a flowery shrub native to South America that has been a fixture in European gardens since it was introduced by Dutch colonizers, who then spread it around the world.
A report from earlier this year found that the cost of invasive species to African agriculture surpassed $65 billion, with lantana camara counting among the top agricultural disruptors. Most of those losses came from the costs associated with managing the removal of invasive species, although interlopers like lantana also compete directly with crops and livestock feed to the tune of $29 billion.
Ironically, one climate model showed that while the overall hospitable zone for lantana may decrease in future scenarios, changing conditions could allow it to thrive in Australia, Europe and North America. Without many predators or established practices for removing it at agricultural scale, lantana could run rampant in its new home and impact agricultural yields in areas beyond where it is already increasing food prices.
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“We're Twelve, a new kind of chemical company built for the climate era. Our breakthrough technology eliminates emissions by turning CO2 into essential products. We call it carbon transformation. Reinventing what it means to be a chemical company, we're on a mission to create a climate positive world and a fossil free future. ...”
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“Patch is building the infrastructure for a sustainable economy by enabling gigatonne scale carbon removal. With Patch, companies can embed climate action into their own products, neutralizing the carbon impact of everyday transactions like shipping, travel and financial services, or neutralize the unavoidable emissions within their operations and supply chain. From an API-integration to direct purchase, Patch is the carbon ...”
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“Zinc is an early-stage investor. We back Founders who want to build a new mission-driven business, even if they don’t yet have a team or an idea. We support the Founders to build brand new commercial businesses by providing access to co-founders, investment, experts, in-house R&D support and a proven process to launch a new venture. Since 2017, we have backed ...”
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“EnergyHub empowers utilities and their customers to create a clean, distributed energy future We’re working on accomplishing this vision by transforming complexity at the grid edge into reliable resources for utilities. ...”
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“Keyframe is a NYC based cross-asset investment firm. The firm’s generalist, cross-asset mandate allows it to invest across a diverse range of business models and capital structures. Keyframe looks to build long term partnerships with companies, and to leverage its flexibility to help solve their most complex asset and corporate financing requirements ...”
“Accelerating the global transition to sustainable investing We are a technology-driven, sustainable asset manager empowering institutions to create passive investment portfolios specific to their values and financial goals. We are powering the future of sustainable investing. ...”
“Advanced Energy United educates, engages, and advocates for policies that allow our member companies to compete to repower our economy with 100% clean energy. We work with decision makers at every level of government as well as regulators of energy markets to achieve this goal. The businesses we represent are lowering consumer costs, creating millions of new jobs, and providing the full range of clean, efficient, and reliable energy and transportation solutions. Today, these businesses have a combined market capitalization in excess of $3 trillion. Together, we ...”
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“CREW Carbon is a carbon removal company that uses engineered enhanced weathering to remove CO2 from municipal and industrial wastewater systems. Our technology leverages natural weathering reactions to remove CO 2, accelerating this process by contacting abundant, globally-available crushed rock with CO 2 -rich wastewater streams. By doing so in our own reactor systems or in existing infrastructure, we enable ...”
“Green Path Strategies works with clients who have a shared commitment to addressing today’s urgent energy & environmental challenges. We recognize that every entity has unique communications needs. We are dedicated to understanding your mission, which allows us to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to put you on a solid path forward. Where are you on your path? ...”
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