Memphis Meats

Berkeley, CA, USA

Company Description

Memphis Meats creates real, edible meat products from stem cells instead of living animals.

At Memphis Meats, our mission is to bring delicious and healthy meat to your table by harvesting it from cells instead of animals. You can enjoy the meat you love today and feel good about how it's made because we strive to make it better for you...and for the world.

Cells are building blocks of all food we consume and at Memphis Meats they are the foundation of our approach. We make food by sourcing high-quality cells from animals and cultivating them into meat think of a farm at a tiny scale. We cut some steps from the current process (like raising and processing animals) and bring nutritious, tasty meat to your table.

By producing meat from the cell level up, we can ensure the highest level of quality at every stage. We aim to keep the benefits of conventional meat while making our products healthier, more nutritious and safer. We want you to enjoy the best of both worlds. It is like having your steak and eating it, too.

We're making meat that is better for animals and that at scale uses significantly less land, water, energy and food inputs. Our process will produce less waste and dramatically fewer greenhouse gas emissions. We believe that the planet will be the ultimate beneficiary of our product.

We're looking for passionate professionals hungry for pivotal challenges and excited to join a team of hands-on dreamers.

Jobs (7)

Facilities Technician
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing
Food MSAT Senior Manager
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing
Bioprocess Operator (7 month fixed term)
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing
Scientist/Engineer I, Bioprocess Development
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing
Senior Payroll Accountant
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing
Principal Scientist, Bioprocess Development
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing
Associate Director, Process Automation Engineering
Memphis Meats
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use
Materials & Manufacturing

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