We’re Nadara. We work harmoniously with the power of nature and the communities around us to power lifetimes to come. We call our approach ‘living energy’.
We don’t just produce renewable energy, we live it – recognising our relationship with the people touched by our business and supporting social, educational, cultural, and environmental initiatives that contribute to the development of the communities we work alongside.
Discover more about our business here: https://nadara.com/about/
Nadara is an innovative place to work. We work in a stimulating and challenging environment, where every day we explore the unknown with curiosity, make decisions with quality and take action and deliver with courage. For us diversity is a real value, and we encourage in connecting different perspectives with respect.
Discover more about our culture and approach here: https://nadara.com/living-the-company/
Principali attività:
Sviluppo di relazioni telefoniche e Customer Care;
Organizzazione e pianificazione di visite commerciali e/o meeting con i diretti Responsabili d’Area;
Verifica, inserimento e gestione dei dati nei sistemi informatizzati (SAP).
Principali requisiti:
Diploma di Scuola Superiore;
Buone doti comunicative, relazionali e spiccata propensione al lavoro di squadra;
Buona attitudine a lavorare per obiettivi;
Buone competenze informatiche.
Trezzano sul NaviglioTime Type:
Full timeWorker Subtype:
Intern (Fixed Term)