ファウンダー - 次世代型飲料事業(日本)/ Founder (gn) - Next-Gen Functional Beverage Venture, Japan

5 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Tokyo, JP... more










ベルリンに本社を置く欧州を代表するベンチャーキャピタルおよびベンチャースタジオ。2016年、投資ファンドAtlantic Labsの姉妹会社として創業。既存のフードシステムを変革し、人類と地球の健康を改善することをミッションに、フードテック、アグリテック、ヘルス、持続可能性の分野で熱意ある起業家に事業アイデア、資金、経営ノウハウを提供し、社会課題の解決に取り組んでいます。

これまでにFormo、Foodji、Infinite Rootsなど80社以上のスタートアップを創業初期から支援し、現在、ポートフォリオ企業の評価額は総額40億ドルを超えます。


  • 日本におけるゼロからの事業立ち上げ
  • 日本市場向けゴー・トゥ・マーケット戦略の策定・実行
  • 製品の最終配合とパッケージの決定、初期フレーバーの発売
  • 日本国内での製造、物流、流通パートナーシップの確立
  • 初期顧客の獲得、製品改良のためのフィードバック回収
  • 顧客との関係性を深める最新のコミュニティ主導型ブランド構築
  • 優れたパフォーマンスを発揮する人材の採用、育成
  • 次の成長段階に向けた資金調達の始動


  • 日本事業立ち上げの参考となる欧州におけるビジネス/プロダクトモデル
  • 給与および立ち上げ事業の持ち株
  • 創業0日目からの財務、運営、戦略立案支援
  • 経験豊かなスタッフによるメンタリング
  • 創業チームのリクルーティング支援
  • 欧州を跨ぐ広大な起業家ネットワーク


  • ゼロから事業を立ち上げるための強い意志とスキル
  • 日本の飲料市場を変革しようとする強い情熱
  • 日本の消費者製品市場に関する深い知識
  • サプライヤーや製造業者と関係構築をした経験とスキル
  • スタートアップ、コンサルティング、あるいは初期段階のベンチャーにおいて未知の領域に挑戦した実績と、ゼロからモノを創り上げた実践的な経験
  • スタートアップやVCエコシステム内での資金調達の経験と実績
  • 投資家から顧客まで多様な利害関係者を管理できる優れたコミュニケーション能力
  • ビジョナリーなリーダーシップと、企業文化をインスパイアし育む能力
  • 起業家精神、高いレジリエンスおよび適応性
  • ビジネスレベルの日本語および英語力(必須)


  • 影響力: ゼロから新しいものを生み出すことにやりがいを感じ、飲料業界を変革する意欲がある
  • 粘り強さ: プレシード段階のベンチャーの課題を乗り越える粘り強さがある。迅速に動き、素早く試行錯誤し、限られたリソースで結果を出せる
  • 好奇心: 不確実性を恐れず、常識を疑い、常に革新的な解決策を見出そうと努力する


  • 日本の飲料市場で画期的なベンチャーをリードしてみたい
  • 信頼できるパートナーと同志を募り、ゼロから事業を立ち上げてみたい
  • スタートアップや事業開発の経験を活かし、次のステップに進みたい
  • 給与を得ながら、会社員では得られないより大きなリターン、インパクトに挑戦したい



About the Opportunity

We're looking for visionary Founders who are ready to take on the new challenge of launching a next-generation energy drink business together, with full backing and support from the FoodLabs team. FoodLabs is a leading European venture studio and investment firm that launches and funds ventures with like-minded entrepreneurs in the areas of food, agriculture, and sustainability. We’re on a mission to transform Japan's beverage landscape. Our goal is to create the next generation of energy drinks that not only taste great but also deliver genuine health benefits and reduce environmental impact.

The Japanese energy drink market is on the verge of a shift, with a projected growth of 13% CAGR until 2032. However, the current offerings are dominated by sugary, unhealthy choices. We see a massive opportunity to introduce a new healthy product that combines superior taste with sustained performance—clean energy without the crash. We believe that by bringing new trends and product models already made successful in Europe to Japan, we can empower people to live healthier, more energized lives in a sustainable way.

About FoodLabs

FoodLabs is a European venture capital investor and venture studio based in Berlin, focused on revolutionizing the food system to improve both human and planetary health. We became independently established as FoodLabs in 2016, and are a sister fund of Atlantic Labs. We're focused on revolutionizing the existing food system to improve both human and planetary health, by backing mission-driven founders who solve the most pressing challenges in the FoodTech, AgTech, Health, and Sustainability sectors. To date, we have backed more than 80 ventures, like Formo, Foodji, and Infinite Roots. In total, our portfolio companies are valued at over 4 billion USD.

What FoodLabs offers

  • European business and product models to reference for Japan venture-building. 
  • Annual salary and equity plan.
  • Full backing from Day 1, including operational, and strategic support.
  • Mentoring from experienced FoodLabs staff.  
  • Support recruiting founding team members. 
  • Access to a vast network of portfolio companies.

Your Role as a Founder

  • Build a complete venture from scratch. 
  • Develop and implement a go-to-market strategy for Japan.
  • Finalize product formulation and packaging, launching initial flavors. 
  • Establish manufacturing, logistics, and distribution partnerships across Japan. 
  • Acquire the first customers and gather feedback for product iteration. 
  • Build a community-led brand that connects with the modern consumer. 
  • Build and inspire a high-performing team. 
  • Kickstart fundraising efforts for the next phase of growth.

What you need to succeed

  • Motivation and skill to build your own venture from scratch.  
  • A strong passion for transforming the Japanese beverage market.  
  • In-depth knowledge of the Japanese consumer products landscape.  
  • Proven ability to build relationships with suppliers and manufacturers.  
  • A track record of taking bold steps in uncharted territory, whether in startups, consulting, or early-stage ventures, with hands-on experience in building from scratch. 
  • Experience in fundraising, ideally within startups or the VC ecosystem. 
  • Excellent communication skills, capable of managing diverse stakeholders from investors to customers. 
  • Visionary leadership with the ability to inspire and foster company culture. 
  • An entrepreneurial spirit with resilience and adaptability.  
  • Fluency in Japanese and English is essential.

What we value

  • Impact: A passion for building something from the ground up and a drive to create transformative change in the beverage industry. 
  • Grit: The grit to navigate the challenges of a pre-seed venture, with the ability to move fast, iterate quickly, and make things happen with limited resources. 
  • Curiosity: A fearless attitude toward uncertainty, always seeking innovative solutions and challenging the conventional way of doing things.

If the following describes you, please apply:

  • Desire to lead a ground-breaking venture in the Japanese beverage market. 
  • Desire to start a business from scratch with trusted partners and like-minded people. 
  • Desire to make the most of startup and business development experiences, taking them to the next level. 
  • Desire to be salaried while taking on greater challenges, returns, and impact otherwise not obtained through a regular corporate role.